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Breedstandard_Dashond_2019-Dutch_translation_definitive.pdf (teckelclub.nl)
29-11-2019 / THE FCI Standard No. 148 DASHOUND Shorthair Longhair Roughhair Translation Dick Rutten FCI - Standard Nr. 148 Dachshund ORIGIN: Germany DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THE APPLICABLE ORIGINAL STANDARD: 04-09-2019 USE: Hunting dog for above and below ground CLASS CLASSIFICATION FCI: Group 4 Dachshunds. With work trial. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY:. The Dachshund, also called Dackel or Dachshund, has been known since the Middle Ages. Dogs were successively bred from beagles that were especially suitable for hunting under the ground. From these short-legged dogs, the Dachshund was selected, which is recognized as one of the most versatile hunting and utility dog breeds. He also demonstrates excellent performance above ground, such as hunting loudly on tracks, pushing game and sweating. The oldest Dachshund breed club is the German Dachshund Club, recognized and founded in 1888. The Dachshund has been bred for many decades in 3 different sizes (dachshund, dwarf dachshund and kaninchendashond) and in 3 different hair varieties (short-haired, wire-haired and long-haired), so in nine varieties. GENERAL APPEARANCE: Low, short legged, elongated, but compactly built, very muscular, with boldly defiant head carriage and attentive facial expression. His physique allows him to work agile and fast, above and below ground. Gender distinction is clear. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: With a ground distance of about one third of the height at the withers, the body length should be in harmonic proportion to the height at the withers, about 1 to 1.7 - 1.8. (from the tip of the forechest to the tip of the ischium) BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT: Friendly nature, neither fearful nor aggressive, with a balanced temperament. A passionate, tenacious, agile hunting dog with a fine nose. HEAD: Elongated above and seen in profile tapering evenly to the rhinarium, but not pointed. Eyebrow arches prominent. Nasal cartilage and nasal bridge long and narrow. UPPER SKULL: Skull: Rather flat, not too broad, tapering gradually with the bridge of the nose slightly arched. Occipital protuberance not too well developed. Stop: Lightly indicated. FACIAL SKULL: Nose: Well opened nostrils. Colour: see below concerning color definitions. The catch: Long, sufficiently wide and powerful. Open wide, to a vertical line at the level of the eyes. Lips: Close fitting, covering the lower jaw well. Jaws/Teeth : Well developed jaws. Scissor bite, even and tight fitting. Ideal is a complete set of 42 teeth according to the dental formula with powerful canines that mesh exactly. EYES: Medium size, almond shaped, set well apart, with clear, energetic yet friendly expression, not piercing. Color glossy dark red-brown to black-brown on all hair colors of the dog. Glass, fish, or pearl eyes in spotted dogs are not desirable, but tolerated. Eyelids well pigmented. EARS: Set on high, not too far forward, sufficiently long, reaching to the corner of the mouth, but not much longer. Rounded, mobile, with the anterior edge close to the cheek. NECK: Sufficiently long, muscular, tight fitting dewlap. Slightly arched neck, carried free and high. BODY: Topline: Progressing harmoniously from the neck to the slightly sloping croup. Withers: Pronounced. Back: After the high withers, the topline runs straight through the thoracic vertebrae or with a slight curve to the rear. Sturdy and well muscled. Loins : Powerful, broad and well muscled. Croup: Broad and sufficiently long, not horizontal or sloping too much. Chest: Sternum well developed and protruding so strongly that slight dimples are visible on both sides. The chest seen from the front is oval, seen from above and from the side, very spacious. Gives heart and lungs plenty of room, ribbed far back. With good length and angulation of the scapula and upper arm, the foreleg, seen from the side, covers the deepest point of the chest. Dewlap not pronounced. Underline and belly: Slightly tucked up. Chest line smoothly transitioning to the belly line in a continuous line. TAIL: The tail is carried in a harmonious extension of the topline, sloping slightly, not carried above the topline. A slight curve is allowed in the last third of the tail. LIMBS: FOREQUARTERS: General: Strongly muscled, well angulated; Seen from the front, dry (adjacent skin), straight forelegs of strong bone with feet pointing straight forward, which are level with the deepest point of the chest. Shoulder: Well developed muscles. Long, oblique shoulder blade, (approximately 90° to the upper arm), close fitting to the chest. Upper arm: Of equal length to the shoulder blade, set almost at right angles to it, strong boned and well muscled, lying close to the ribs, but moving freely. Elbows: Turning neither in nor out. Forearm: Short, but so long that the distance from the ground of the dog is one third of the height at the withers. As straight as possible. Wrist: The wrists are closer together than the shoulder joints. Metatarsus: Seen in profile, neither steep nor markedly forward. Forefeet: Toes close together, well arched, with strong, springy, well padded pads and short, strong nails. Color: See below regarding color definitions. The fifth toe has no function. HINDQUARTERS: General: Strongly muscled, in good proportion with the forequarters. Strong angulation of knee and hock direction. Hind legs parallel, standing neither close nor wide apart. Thigh: Of good length and strongly muscled. Knee joint: Broad and powerful with pronounced angulation. Lower leg: Short, forming approximately a right angle with the upper leg, well muscled. Hock joint: Strong, sinewy and dry. Hind metatarsus: Short, mobile relative to lower leg, slightly bent forward. Hind feet: Four toes close together, well arched. Resting fully on the powerful foot pads. GAIT/MOVEMENT: Spacious movement, fluid and energetic with a far reaching front stride without lifting the feet too much, strong drive and slightly springy transfer to the backline. The tail should be carried in a harmonious extension of the backline, slightly sloping. In motion, forequarters and hindquarters extend parallel. SKIN: Tight fitting, well pigmented. Color: See below regarding color definitions. SHORT HAIR HAIR: Hair: Short, dense and shiny, lying close to the body, tight and hard, not showing any hairless areas. Tail: fine, full but not too profusely haired. Slightly longer hairs (grains) on the underside is not wrong. Colors and color patterns: a) One-color: Red, black stitching allowed. However, a pure dark color is preferred. A small white spot (up to 3 cm in diameter) is only allowed on the chest. Nose, nails and soles of feet are black; reddish-brown is not desirable. b) Two-tone: Deep black or brown, each with markings matching the ground color ("Brand" the darker the better and as clean as possible) above the eyes, on either side of the mouth, on the lips, on the inside of the ears, on the forechest, on the inside and back of the legs, at the feet, around the anus and from there to about a third or half at the bottom of the tail. Nose, nails and paw pads black in black ground dogs, brown in brown ground dogs. A small white spot (up to 3 cm in diameter) is only allowed on the chest. Both a fire that is too widely spread and a fire that is too little pronounced is highly undesirable. c) Color pattern Mottled (Merle): The ground color is always the dark color (black or brown). Exception: red mottled (red with dark spots). Irregular gray but also beige spots are desirable (large plates not desired). Neither the dark nor the light color is predominant. For the nose, nails and soles of the feet see under a) and b). d) Color pattern Brindle: The color of brindle dachshunds is red with dark current. Nose, nails and soles of feet are black. All colors and color patterns not previously mentioned are disqualifying. Lack of pigmentation is highly undesirable. COARSE HAIR: Hair: With the exception of the muzzle, eyebrows and ears, with undercoat all over the body, perfectly evenly lying, dense, wiry guard hair. Soft hair on the head and legs is highly undesirable. There is a pronounced beard on the muzzle. The eyebrows are bushy. The hair on the ears is shorter than on the body, almost smooth. Tail is well and evenly covered with tight hair. Colors and color patterns: a) One-color: Red, black stitching allowed. However, a pure dark color is preferred. A small white spot (up to 3 cm in diameter) is only allowed on the chest. Nose, nails and soles black; reddish-brown is not desirable. b) Multiple colors: Wild boar, brown wild boar, black-red, brown with fire. Marking ("Brand", the darker the better and as clean as possible) above the eyes, on both sides of the mouth, on the lips, on the inside of the ears, on the forechest, on the inside and back of the legs, at the feet, around the anus and from there to about a third or half at the bottom of the tail. Nose, nails and pads black in wild boar and black-red dogs, brown in brown wild boar and brown-tan dogs. A small white spot (up to 3 cm in diameter) is only allowed on the chest. Both a fire that is too widely spread and a fire that is too little pronounced is highly undesirable. c) Color pattern Spotted (Merle): With the colors described under a) and b) wild color, black or brown, the dark color is always the ground color. Exception: red spotted (red with dark spots). Desired are irregular gray but also beige spots. (large plates not desired). Neither the dark nor the light color is predominant. For the nose, nails and soles of the feet see under a) and b). d) Color pattern Brindle: The color of brindle dachshunds is red with dark current. Nose, nails and soles of feet are black. All colors and color patterns not previously mentioned are disqualifying. Lack of pigmentation is highly undesirable. LONG HAIR HAIR: Hair: The smooth, shiny hair with undercoat, close to the body, is longer at the throat and underside of the body, hangs over the ears, shows a clearly longer hair (feathering) on the back of the legs , reaches its greatest length at the underside of the tail and forms a full flag there. Colors and color patterns: a)Single color: Red. Red with black guard hair. However, a pure dark color is preferred. A small white spot (up to 3 cm in diameter) is only allowed on the chest. Nose, nails and soles black; reddish-brown is not desirable. b) Two-tone: Deep black or brown, each with markings matching the ground color ('fire', the darker the better and as clean as possible) above the eyes, on both sides of the mouth, on the lips, on the inside of the ears, on the forechest, on the inside and back of the legs, on the feet, around the anus and from there to about a third or half at the bottom of the tail. Nose, nails and soles black in black dogs, brown in brown dogs. A small white spot (up to 3 cm in diameter) is only allowed on the chest. Both a fire that is too widely spread and a fire that is too little pronounced is highly undesirable. c) Color pattern Mottled (Merle): The ground color is always the dark color (black or brown). Exception: red mottled (red with dark spots). Irregular gray but also beige spots are desirable (large plates not desired). Neither the dark nor the light color is predominant. Nose, nails and soles of feet see under a) and b). d) Color pattern Brindle: The color of brindle dachshunds is red with dark currents. Nose, nails and soles of feet are black. All colors and color patterns not previously mentioned are disqualifying. Lack of pigmentation is highly undesirable. MEASUREMENTS Chest circumference is measured when the dog is at least 15 months old, from the highest point of the withers to the deepest point of the chest (with a slightly stretched measuring tape). Standard Dachshund Chest: Males: from 37 cm – to 47 cm Bitches: from 35 cm – to 45 cm Dwarf Dachshund Chest: Males: from 32 cm – to 37 cm Bitches: from 30 cm – to 35 cm Kaninchendasdog Chest: Males: from 27 cm – up to 32 cm Bitches: from 25 cm – up to 30 cm FAULTS Any deviation from the foregoing points is to be considered a fault, the seriousness with which the fault is to be rated must be exactly proportionate to the degree of the deviation and the effect on the dog's health and well-being, as well as its ability to perform its original job. M3 (Molar 3) is not taken into account when judging. The lack of two PM1 (premolar1) cannot be regarded as a fault. The absence of one PM2 should be considered a fault if no other teeth (except M3) are missing, as should a deviation from a correctly closing scissor bite, such as a pincer bite. SERIOUS FAULTS • Weak, long-legged or dragging stature. • Tooth defects other than those described under faults or disqualifying faults. • Glass eyes in any color other than the mottled. • Pointed, strongly folded ears. • Body hanging between shoulders. • Saddle back, carp back. • Weak member party. • Strongly overbuilt dog (croup above the withers). • Chest too weak. • Greyhound-like tucked up flanks. • Badly angulated front and rear. • Narrow, moderately muscled hindquarters. • Cow hocks or bow legs. • Feet turned inwards or too much outwards. • Splayed toes. • Slow, clumsy, waddling movement. SERIOUS FAULTS COAT Shorthaired Dachshund • Coat too fine or thin. Bald spots on ears (leather ear), other bald spots. • Coat much too coarse and much too long. • Bushy tail. • Tail completely or partially hairless. Wirehaired Dachshund: • Soft coat, either long or short. • Long coat, standing out from body in all directions. • Curly or wavy coat. • Soft hair on the head. • Flag at the tail. • Missing beard. • Missing undercoat. • Short hair. Long Haired Dachshund: • Coat of even length all over the body. • Wavy or shaggy coat. • Missing flag (tail). • Lack of overhanging feathering on ears. • Short hair. • Pronounced fur separation on back. • Hair too long between the toes. DISQUALIFYING ERRORS • Aggressive or overly fearful dog. • Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities. • Untypical breed representative. • Under or over biting, crooked jaws. • Incorrect positioning of the lower canine teeth. • Missing one or more canines or one or more incisors. • Missing other premolars or molars. Exceptions: the two PM1 or one PM2 without taking into account the M3, as listed under "Errors" • Chest: Sternum knocked off. • Any tail error. • Very loose shoulders. • Overknocking in the wrist. • Black or brown color without fire, white color with or without fire. • Colors and color patterns other than those listed under "Color and Color Patterns". Note: • Males should have two apparently normal developed testicles fully descended into the scrotum. • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with typical breed characteristics, should be used for breeding.